Now showing items 67-86 of 438

  • Electricity, No. 1,3 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 focus on electricity including electric machines, electrometers, lightning, and conductors. This file consists of seventeen pages of notes.
  • Elementary Bodys [sic] 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie concern "Elementary Bodys [sic]". Dinwiddie briefly discusses chemical compositions in one set of notes. In the second set, he discusses motion and the necessity of experimentation ...
  • An Essay to Discover and Determine the True Order of the Battle of the Roman Legions… 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-27)
    This manuscript written by James Dinwiddie discusses the Roman army and their weaponry and battle plans. This file consists of one manuscript that is 104 pages in length.
  • An Examination of the 2nd Part of Mr. Hume's 12th Essay 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-08-06)
    This notebook kept by James Dinwiddie contains an essay examining the second part of Joseph Hume's 12th Essay.
  • [Excerpt from Dictionary] 

    Unknown author (2009-11-30)
  • Experimental Philosophy 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie in 1801 outline a course in experimental philosophy. The lecture topics include matter, space, gravity, engines, projectiles, and pendula. This file consists of four pages of notes.
  • Experiments of Factitious Air 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie focus on experiments involving air; he documents his procedures as well as the results. Dinwiddie includes a hand-drawn diagram of various scientific apparatus at the front of the ...
  • Extracts 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-24)
    In this journal begun May 17, 1796 while in Calcutta, James Dinwiddie summarizes extracts from reports on a range of topics. He notes observations on "Dr. Black's Analysis of the Iceland waters" and "Extract from the report ...
  • Feb 1, 1805 

    Thibault, V. (2009-07-28)
    One letter to James Dinwiddie from V. Thibault dated Feb 1, 1805.
  • Feb 4, 1783 

    [Irvine], Thomas (2009-07-28)
    One letter to James Dinwiddie from Thomas Irvine dated Feb 4, 1783.
  • Feb 7, 1787 

    Neilson, A. (2009-07-28)
    One letter to W.H. Stevenson from A. Neilson dated Feb 7, 1787.
  • Feb 7, 1806 

    Barlow, The Hon. Sir George Hilaro, Baronet, Gov-Gen of Fort William, Bengal (2009-07-28)
    A subpoena to James Dinwiddie from The Hon. Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Baronet, Gov-Gen of Fort William, Bengal, dated Feb 7, 1806.
  • February 13, 1794 

    Irwin, Cyles (2009-12-11)
    A letter from Cylus Irwin to James Dinwiddie dated Feb. 13, 1794
  • February 13, 1803 

    Hyslop, William (2009-12-15)
    A letter from William Hyslop to James Dinwiddie dated February 13, 1803.
  • February 26, 1794 

    Hanna, R. (2009-12-15)
    A letter from R. Hanna to James Dinwiddie dated February 26, 1794
  • February 27, 1794 

    Thibault, Victor (2009-12-10)
    A letter from Victor Thibault to James Dinwiddie dated Feb 27, 1794.
  • February 27, 1805 

    Captain [Price] (2009-12-22)
    A letter from Captain Price to James Dinwiddie dated February 27, 1805.
  • February 6, 1815 

    Proudfoot, James (2009-12-15)
    A letter from James Proudfoot to James Dinwiddie dated February 6, 1815.
  • Fine Arts, No. 1 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 focus on architecture. Dinwiddie mentions building practices for arches, bridges, and porticos. This file consists of twelve pages of lecture notes.
  • Fireworks, No. 1-3 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-21)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie in 1792 include lists of recipes for making various types of fireworks. This file consists of 61 pages of lecture notes.