Now showing items 425-438 of 438

  • September 22, 1812 

    Dobie, A (2009-12-15)
    A letter from A. Dobie to James Dinwiddie dated Sept. 22, 1812.
  • September 27, 1790 

    Copland, Alex (2009-12-15)
    A letter from Alex Copland to James Dinwiddie dated September 27, 1790.
  • Statement on Course in Natural Philosophy 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-24)
    This document is a statement concerning a course taught in natural philosophy. The document is dated March, 1767. This file consists of one document that is nine pages in length.
  • Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Experimental Philosophy 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-12-15)
    A syllabus of a course by James Dinwiddie.
  • Tibetan (?) manuscript with Chinese insert 

    Unknown author (2009-07-24)
    This document may be a Tibetan manuscript with a Chinese insert.
  • Time 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 focus on time. This file consists of thirteen pages of notes.
  • Translate of Malay Laws 

    Dinwiddie, James (2010-02-25)
  • Trigonometry 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 focus on trigonometry. The notes begin with a series of definitions of angles, circles, and trigonometric measurements. They go on to mention various corollaries and ...
  • University Degree (Edinburgh) Feb. 16, 1778 

    Unknown author (2010-02-23)
  • untitled 

    Unknown author (2010-02-22)
    A paper, written in Latin, with various signatures on the bottom.
  • Vision 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-28)
    This notebook kept by James Dinwiddie examines vision. Dinwiddie describes the structures of the eye as well as the diffraction and refraction of light. This file consists of two journals that are 26 pages in length.
  • Vitriolated Tartar/Nitre 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie focus on vitrolated tartar and nitre. Dinwiddie discusses the chemical composition of each substance as well as various reactions when they are mixed with other compounds. This file ...
  • Wheel Carriages 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-24)
    In this journal by James Dinwiddie, he discusses wheel carriages and their design. He discusses the relationship between wheels and axles as well as the different sizes required by different vehicles. This file consists ...
  • Works Published by Archibald Constable & Company AND The State Papers & Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, Knight Banneret 

    Sadler, Sir Ralph; Scott, William Esq. (Archibald Constable & Co., 1809)