Xiao, Ge2019-08-302019-08-302019-08-30http://hdl.handle.net/10222/76375In summary, the work done in this thesis presents an innovative idea for performing a cryptanalytic attack. Specific methods and steps of implementation are given, including comparisons of results. This work considerably reduces attack complexity and is straight-forward to be implemented in real systems.Encryption and decryption technology have been the focus of cryptography research. Side channel attacks have attracted the attention of cryptanalysts as it is a method to attack encrypted electronic devices against their leaked physical information, which is far more effective than the mathematical methods of cryptographic analysis. In this thesis, the model of side channel analysis (SCA) attack is considered as a communication system and MIMO channel estimation is used as a new method of obtaining hypothetical leakage information from the power measurements. It reduces the computational complexity of SCA that uses correlation power analysis (CPA) and compensate for the interruption of the leakage information. The least-square (LS) algorithm is used in estimation and Python examples are provided. The final results demonstrate that our method could effectively help to find the correct secret key.enSide Channel AttackCorrelation Power AnalysisMIMO EstimationSIDE CHANNEL ANALYSIS WITH MIMO ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES