Gao, Libiao2015-02-172015-02-172015-02-17 study compared key aspects of the physiology and agronomy of Camelina sativa and Brassica napus under controlled environments and at multiple field locations in 2013 and 2014. The controlled environment study showed that the response of both crops to N depended on the soil water status. Camelina maintained higher photosynthesis at N level over 125 kg ha-1 under water deficit. There was no N*water status interaction effect on biomass or seed yield of either crop. A higher shoot/root ratio in camelina indicates a better adaptability to imposed water deficit. In the field, response to N by both crops showed the optimum N rates for crop performances varied with soil-climatic conditions. Camelina and canola required 75 to 125 kg ha-1 and 125 to 175 kg ha-1 N, respectively, to optimize their performances. Future experiments should evaluate field level water use efficiency by both crops to confirm the controlled environment results.encamelinacanolawater deficitnitrogen responsesCOMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF WATER DEFICIENCY AND APPLIED NITROGEN ON CAMELINA SATIVA L. CRANTZ AND BRASSICA NAPUS L.