2015-09-092015-09-091925-04Sample citation: Payne, H.G. (1926). Potato Growing. Maritime Student's Agriculturist, 19(1), 5-8. Retrieved from http://dalspace.library.dal.ca/handle/10222/51637http://hdl.handle.net/10222/62130This issue contains articles pertaining to agriculture, college life and more. Examples of articles include: "A Trip to A Sugar Cane Plantation, B.W.I", "In Spring", "Sheep Raising in Nova Scotia" and "The Farm Course."49 pages : black and white photographs and illustrations, 21 cm.en-USNova Scotia Agricultural Collegeagriculturecollege activitiesstudent lifecollege sportssheep raisingBritish West IndiesNova Scotia Boys' and Girls' Clubssugar caneThe Maritime Students' Agriculturist, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1925.Text