Fei, Wen2022-04-072022-04-072022-04-07http://hdl.handle.net/10222/81513It is estimated that the number of connected IoT (Internet of Things) devices and sensors will grow to around 125 billion by the end of this decade, up from an estimated 21 billion this year. IoT promises enormous benefits in several applications such as smart homes, smart cities, smart environment, agriculture, critical infrastructure control, and smart health. However, as the number of IoT devices increases and more information is shared among IoT devices, providing security becomes a top concern for researchers and developers. IoT devices have low power, and limited computing and storage capabilities, thus making them vulnerable to several attacks. The objective of this thesis is to propose Raspberry House, a security gateway for detection and prevention of intrusions on IoT devices. Specifically, the gateway targets one of the major attacks on IoT devices, namely, Denial of Service (DoS), at the data link, network, transport layers and the system security level. The proposed gateway has been implemented using Raspberry Pi 3B+ and experimental analysis has been carried out against several DoS attacks, such as the deauthentication attack, SYN flood attack, ICMP flood attack, and the bash fork bomb attack. The results show that the Raspberry House can detect, alert, and prevent these DoS attacks in real time, and is particularly applicable to small IoT devices with resource constraints.en-USInternet of thingsIoT gatewayIoT securityDoS attacksintrusion detection system (IDS)intrusion prevention system (IPS)resource constraint IoT deviceIntrusion detection systems (Computer security)Internet of things--Security measuresRASPBERRY HOUSE: AN INTRUSION DETECTION AND PREVENTION SYSTEM FOR INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)