Ellerington, Neil2013-09-092013-09-092013-09-09http://hdl.handle.net/10222/36319The purpose of this thesis is to introduce a novel method of dry micro-object manipulation and to demonstrate predictable vision-based control. The Lift and slide conveyors presented utilize three main components: pads, lifters and a floating platform. The pads have a small planar displacement in the XY axis and lifters have a small Z axis displacement. Together they can be used to create minute displacements per cycle while carrying a floating platform that can hold the desired objects to be moved. These platforms can be handed off to other pad-lifter groups to create an unlimited planar envelope. Two degree of freedom control was established using LabView with open and closed loop routines. A model is presented that predicts the resonance frequencies with different loading and geometric characteristics to aid in design optimization for various applications. Parameters such as velocity, drift and traction are well characterized for different operating conditions.enMEMSMicro-conveyorLong rangeUntethered3 DOFpolyMUMPs3 DOF, LONG RANGE PLANAR LIFT AND SLIDE MICRO-CONVEYOR WITH VISION-BASED CONTROL SYSTEMThesis