Van Houten, Kirsten2010-12-152010-12-152010-12-15 conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been characterized by armed violence carried out against civilian populations. Despite a formal end to hostilities with outside states, numerous cease fire agreements and an internationally sanctioned disarmament program, Congolese civilians continue to be targeted in attacks. Research suggests that addressing the demand for Small Arms and Light Weapons as part of the broader disarmament process may decrease the proliferation of weapons and reduce armed violence. The research undertaken as part of this thesis attempted broadly to identify some of the factors contributing to the demand for small arms and light weapons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It suggests that insecurity, weak governance and regional politics, historical and cultural factors and socio economic factors significantly contribute to the demand for small arms and must be addressed in order to reduce armed violence. ?enSmall Arms and Light WeaponsArmed Violence and DevelopmentInternational Criminal LawDemocratic Republic of the CongoSocio Economic DevelopmentInsecurityHuman SecurityAddressing the Demand for Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Democratic Republic of the CongoThesis