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dc.contributor.authorVanstone, Rena
dc.contributor.authorCasey, Erin
dc.contributor.authorMitchell, Alexia
dc.contributor.authorKobusingye, Patricia K.
dc.identifier.citationVanstone, R., Casey, E., Mitchell, A., & Kobusingye, P.K. (2024). The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition Seven Years of Research and Collaboration: 2024 Impact Report. Dalhousie Universityen_US
dc.description2024 Impact Report summarizing the CYRRC project.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) is pleased to share our 2024 Impact Report highlighting our work over the last seven years. The report shares key achievements of the CYRRC, including our impact on youth with lived experience and service provider organizations (SPOs). The report also includes recommendations for policy-makers, SPOs, and school systems stemming from 80+ CYRRC-funded research projects, as well as best practices for community-academic partnerships and engaging youth with lived experience in research.en_US
dc.publisherDalhousie Universityen_US
dc.titleThe Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition Seven Years of Research and Collaboration: 2024 Impact Reporten_US
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