Now showing items 27448-27467 of 38383

  • Pan Americanism: Pattern of Regional Cooperation 

    MacQuarrie, Heath N. (1954)

    Wasson, Marie-Claire (2023-08-31)
    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women, representing a significant health challenge as a quarter of patients eventually succumb to the disease. The identification of novel therapeutic targets is thus critical ...
  • A pancreatic bladder in the cat, structurally analogous to gall-bladder 

    Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Bean, R. J. (Wm. Macnab & Son, 1927)
  • PAndAS in the mist: The stellar and gaseous mass within the halos of M31 and M33 

    Lewis, Geraint F.; Braun, Robert; McConnachie, Alan W.; Irwin, Michael J.; Ibata, Rodrigo A.; Chapman, Scott C.; Ferguson, Annette M. N.; Martin, Nicolas F.; Fardal, Mark; Dubinski, John; Widrow, Larry; Mackey, A. Dougal; Babul, Arif; Tanvir, Nial; Rich, Michael (2012-11-16)
    Large scale surveys of the prominent members of the Local Group have provided compelling evidence for the hierarchical formation of massive galaxies, revealing a wealth of substructure that is thought to be the debris from ...
  • PAndAS' cubs: discovery of two new dwarf galaxies in the surroundings of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies 

    Martin, Nicolas F.; McConnachie, Alan W.; Irwin, Mike; Widrow, Lawrence M.; Ferguson, Annette M. N.; Ibata, Rodrigo A.; Dubinski, John; Babul, Arif; Chapman, Scott; Fardal, Mark; Lewis, Geraint F.; Navarro, Julio; Rich, R. Michael (2009-09-02)
    We present the discovery of two new dwarf galaxies, Andromeda XXI and Andromeda XXII, located in the surroundings of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies (M31 and M33). These discoveries stem from the first year data of ...
  • PAndAS' progeny: extending the M31 dwarf galaxy cabal 

    Richardson, Jenny C.; Irwin, Mike; McConnachie, Alan W.; Martin, Nicolas F.; Dotter, Aaron; Ferguson, Annette M. N.; Ibata, Rodrigo A.; Chapman, Scott; Lewis, Geraint F.; Tanvir, Nial R.; Rich, R. Michael (2011-02-14)
    We present the discovery of five new dwarf galaxies, Andromeda XXIII-XXVII, located in the outer halo of M31. These galaxies were found in the second year of data from the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) of ...
  • Pangaea 2007 Editor's Note 

    Tapper, Joshua (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2007)
  • Pangaea 2007 Front Matter 

    Tapper, Joshua; Topping, Eric; Dunbar, Jen; Jafarian, Saman; Kent, Emily; Loughead, Lisa; McGuire, Peter; Rochwerg, Adam; Scott-Meuser, Philippa; Sugrue, Matt; Bell, Christopher M.; Heilman, Jaymie P.; Tallmadge, Jessica; Tillotson, Shirley (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2007)
  • Pangaea 2008 Editor's Introduction 

    Demers, William E. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2008)
  • Pangaea 2008 Front Matter 

    Adach, Jessica; Fullarton, Catherine; Hug, Crystle; Kronick, Benjamin; Marchand, Justin; Nahas, Peter; Posen, Jacob; Seto, Megan; Demers, William E.; Berezin, Jamie; Tillotson, Shirley; Heilman, Jaymie Patricia (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2008)
  • Pangaea 2009 Front Matter 

    Tapper, Joshua; Demers, William E.; Berezin, Jamie; Bradbury, Natalie; Cohen, Madeleine; Dolgoy, Gabrielle; Hug, Crystle; Marchand, Justin; Posen, Jacob; Rochwerg, Adam; Neville, Cynthia; Tillotson, Shirley (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2009)
  • Pangaea 2013 Contributor Biographies 

    Coney, William; Coles, Connor; Hyatt, Craig; Wolofsky, Tamar; Plumptre, Genny; Drover, Nicole; Santacroce, Brenna; MacKinley, Hillary; Oliver, Lindsay (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2013)
  • Pangaea 2013 Front Matter 

    Park, Kate; Ramsden, Daisy; Oliver, Lindsay; Bridge, Jeremy; Coles, Conner; Riordon, Rebecca; Conrod, Stephanie; Sisley, Alex; Kasupski, Sarah; Deutsh, Shoshana; Roberts, Justin; Ramsay, Michael; Mitchell, Jack; Kesselring, Krista; Neville, Cynthia; Kozlov, Denis; Tillotson, Shirley; Marsters, Roger; Jones, Tina; Bleasdale, Ruth (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2013)
  • Pangaea 2020 Back Matter 

    Charlton, Catherine; Clark, Scott; DeJager, Cole; Frawley, Catherine; Hutt, Catherine; MacLaren, Adam; Wakal, Evan; Willner-Fraser, Eleanor; Wygiera, Hannah; Zolkivski, Matthew (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2020 Editor's Introduction 

    Spronk, Jeremy; Becker, Kristen (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2020 Front Matter 

    Becker, Kristen; Spronk, Jeremy; Bolton, Jacob; Scott, Matthew; Van Voorst, Derek; Wakal, Evan; Bell, Christopher M. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2020)
  • Pangaea 2021 Back Matter 

    Adsett, Connor; Blanchard, Ronald; Boyd, Lucy; Gaudet, Anna; Harrison, Lane; Morton, Gideon; O’Brien, Graham; Paleczny, Amy M.; Rembowski, Alec; Simpkin, Daniel Kirtley; Sivilotti, Francesca; Urquhart, Jamieson; Brechin, Isabel (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2021)
  • Pangaea 2021 Front Matter 

    Brar, Takdeer; Wygiera, Hannah; Brechin, Isabel; Charlton, Catherine; Danais, Natasha; Kennedy, Alex; MacLaren, Adam; Simon, Georgia; Zolkivski, Matthew; Bell, Christopher M. (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2021)
  • Pangaea 2022 Editors Intro 

    Blanchard, Ronald; Carolan, Lucy (Dalhousie University Department of History, 2022)