############################################################################# # INSTALLATION # ############################################################################# This is a beta version (pre-CRAN re-submission) of package icaOcularCorrection. To install this version of the package, you will need R version 3.0.0 or higher. Please follow the steps described below in order to successfully install package icaOcularCorretion. (1) Install the dependencies: install.packages("fastICA",dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("mgcv",dependencies=TRUE) install.packages("fields",dependencies=TRUE) (2) You may also install the import: install.packages("plotrix",dependencies=TRUE) (3) Install package latest icaOcularCorrection_XXX.tar.gz, where PATH is the path to the package tar ball (.tar.gz), and XXX is the latest version (e.g., 3.0.10): install.packages("PATH/icaOcularCorrection_XXX.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source") for example: install.packages("/home/bigman/Dropbox/R/ica_Ocular_Correction/icaOcularCorrection_3.0.10.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source") ##################### # PACKAGE VIGNETTES # ##################### There are two package vignettes: * An old one available on CRAN for versions 3.0.9 and lower, and * The new one for versions 3.0.10 and higher, which is available on DalSpace . The newer package vignette is inside the compressed directory icaOcularCorrection_vignette.zip. The compressed directory also contains the .Rnw source file in addition to all the data and figures necessary to generate the pdf. To generate the pdf on a Unix machine, issue the following commands in terminal, where PATH is the path to the uncompressed icaOcularCorrection_vignette directory: cd PATH R CMD Sweave icaOcularCorrection.Rnw pdflatex --shell-escape icaOcularCorrection.tex Note that the vignette contains some animations. In order to play the animations, the pdf has to be open in AdobeReader. Otherwise, you will only see the first image of the animation. To install AdobeReader on a 64-bit machine running Ubuntu, issue the following commands in terminal: sudo apt-get install gdebi sudo apt-get -f install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libnss3-1d:i386 libnspr4-0d:i386 lib32nss-mdns libxml2:i386 libxslt1.1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get -f install sudo apt-get autoremove cd ~/Downloads && wget -c http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/9.5.5/enu/AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb There are two ways to install the pdownloaded package: sudo dpkg -i AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb or sudo gdebi AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb