Dalhousie University Archives

Nova Scotia Ballads

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Florelda's Tragedy 1

Down by the weeping willow,
Where the violet sweetly blooms,
There lies my dear Florelda,2
So silent in her tomb.3
She died not broken hearted,
Nor sickness caused her death,
But in one moment parted
From the one she loved so true.
One night, as the moon shone brightly,
The stars were shining too,
Into a lonely cottage,
A jealous lover came.
Said he, "Now let us ramble
Into some flowery dell,
And there we'll sit and chatter,
To plan our wedding day."
"The road is dark and dreary,
And I'm afraid to go,
So let us retrace our footsteps,
And go by another road."
"No! no! my dear, I've got you,
From me you cannot fly.
No mortal hand can save you.
Florelda, you must die."
Down on her knees she bended
And pleaded for her life.
But in her lily bosom
He plunged a dreadful knife.
"Edward I never deceived you."
They were her last dying words;
"But Eddie, I'll forgive you"
She closed her eyes and died.
'Twas only one month after,
While he on the gallows high,
Confessed that he had murdered
The one he loved so true.
Now all young girls take warning4
From this lesson, so I say,
And never go out walking,
To plan your wedding day.


This ballad bears similarity to "The Ballad of Pearl Bryan." In 1896, 22-year-old Bryan was found decapitated in Fort Thomas, Kentucky.
Possible variation of the more common "Florella"
Murder ballads are a ballad subgenre that describe the circumstances leading to a murder.
As the most common iteration of the murder ballad is that of a young girl led astray by a man, this line is typical.
Anonymous. Date: 2014-10-16