Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • The Ecology of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Canadian Arctic Lakes 

    Hardie, David C., and Jeffrey A. Hutchings. 2011. "The Ecology of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Canadian Arctic Lakes." Arctic 64(2): 137-150.
    The range of limnological conditions that support Atlantic cod populations in meromictic Arctic lakes is known to be relatively restricted. The degree to which differences in these features, particularly in the availability ...
  • Evolutionary and ecological feedbacks of the survival cost of reproduction 

    Kuparinen, Anna, David C. Hardie, and Jeffrey A. Hutchings. 2012. "Evolutionary and ecological feedbacks of the survival cost of reproduction." Evolutionary Applications 5(3): 245-255.
    Arguably the most fundamental of trade-offs in life-history evolution is the increase in natural mortality resulting from sexual maturity and reproduction. Despite its central importance, this increase in mortality, a ...