Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Adaptive Technologies for Individuals with Visual Impairments: Scholarly and Consumer Perspectives 

    Mann, Debra (Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management, 2006)
    Adaptive technologies allow people with visual impairments to access information, but problems surrounding access and availability to these technologies exist. Scholarly literature and reports by organizations, such as the ...
  • Geospatial Information Management: Spatial is Still Special 

    Boxall, James; Anderson, Candace (Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management, 2005)
    This paper focuses on the interface between human information constructs and spatial decision making. Information policies associated with geospatial information are at the crux of any further development of infrastructures ...
  • The Spirit of Radio 

    Burke, David (Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management, 2005)
    As a source of information, local radio transcends the conveyance of explicit knowledge about a community and provides a tacit knowledge of the character of a community and a person's place within it. The speed and pattern ...
  • Submit or Resist: Google, is There a Third Way? 

    Hicks, Deborah (Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management, 2006)
    This article explores the impact that Google is having on the library profession. Google is enticing users away from their local libraries with its siren song of easy use and ?good enough? results, and librarians are ...