The ABC Copyright group is a grassroots organization made up of individuals involved in the day-to-day aspects of copyright and its implication for their respective organizations. Athabasca University was one of the founding institutions in 2002 and runs and maintains the group’s ABC Copyright listserv. The ABC Copyright group has over 380 members comprised mostly of copyright administrators at post-secondary institutions across Canada. Copyright offices, libraries, bookstores, instructional technologies, distance learning, legal offices, and audio/visual units are among the areas represented from these institutions. The general purpose of the group is to share ideas, issues and concerns, potential solutions, and resources through annual conferences and the listserv. The 2024 ABC Copyright Conference took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia at Dalhousie University's Weldon Law Building on June 20-21st, 2024. The sponsoring host of the conference was The Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries - Conseil des bibliothèques postsecondaires de l’Atlantique (CAAL-CBPA) Copyright Committee ( and the planning team consisted of CAAL-CBPA Copyright Committee members and ABC members from across Canada. The conference theme was "Copyright: Riding the Wave."

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