Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • B. Traven, un esthète anarchiste 

    Drevet, Severine (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2007)
    Traven est un écrivain à la biographie mystérieuse. L'ensemble du monde littéraire et du monde militant le désigne comme anarchiste, dont nous retrouvons les idées à travers la lecture de ses romans. La poursuite d'un ...
  • Brevi note su povertà  e ricchezza di Karl May, il Salgari tedesco 

    Heuer, Klaus-Peter (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Karl May was born in utter poverty and spent some extremely difficult years in his youth, even ending up in jail. His talent, however, allowed him to escape this situation. His adventure novels earned him a fortune. Upon ...
  • Eclipse, exil et survie du krimi en Allemagne nazie (1933-1945) 

    Platini, Vincent (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2010)
    The German Krimi from the Nazi period finds itself in an ambiguous ideological position: how does one narrate the crime and its resolution when delinquency is not to be mentioned under the Third Reich and the police becomes ...
  • La Vocation de la photographie amateur: Hambourg (1893-1900) 

    Joschke, Christian (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2005)
    This article discusses the development of amateur photography in the last decade of the nineteenth century. It focuses particularly on the activities of amateur clubs in Hamburg. The author explores matters of cultural ...
  • Medienkultur und Populärliteraturen 

    Turschmann, Jorg (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2001)
    In Germany, cultural research as such dates from the beginning of the twentieth century. As for the study of media in an independent scientific context, it only harks back to the nineteen-sixties. However, research on ...