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dc.contributor.authorMedical Society of Nova Scotia
dc.identifier.citationNova Scotia Medical Bulletin 23(10), 1944en_US
dc.descriptionpp. 257-96en_US
dc.publisherMedical Society of Nova Scotiaen_US
dc.subjectAbscess, Pulmonaryen_US
dc.subjectAcute thoracic empyema and lung abscess [Paper delivered at the Dalhousie Refresher Course, Halifax, N.S., October 9, 1944] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectBaker, C.H.L.en_US
dc.subjectBroughton, M.B.en_US
dc.subjectChurchill, Lewis P.en_US
dc.subjectCoady, Basil Kennethen_US
dc.subjectDalhousie University. Medical and Dental Libraryen_US
dc.subjectDrug Therapyen_US
dc.subjectFractures of the neck of the femur [Read before the MSNS, July 5, 1944, and presented with clinical cases at the 20th Dalhousie Refresher Course, Halifax, October 12, 1944] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectGosse, Norman Howarden_US
dc.subjectMacDonald, C.A.en_US
dc.subjectMacDonald, Eric Wallaceen_US
dc.subjectMedical Society of Nova Scotiaen_US
dc.subjectMorton, Angus McDonalden_US
dc.subjectMorton, A.R.en_US
dc.subjectRespiratory Tract Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectRice, William Herculesen_US
dc.subjectSexually Transmitted Diseasesen_US
dc.subjectShaffner, Vernon Douglasen_US
dc.subjectSyllabus for treatment of gonorrhoeaen_US
dc.subjectFor guidance of V.D. clinics and general practitioners] [Published at the request of the Department of Public Health, Province of Nova Scotia] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectUses and abuses of bromides, The [Given before the Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of N.S. at White Point Beach, July 6, 1944] [Title]en_US
dc.subjectWounds and Injuriesen_US
dc.titleNova Scotia Medical Bulletin 23(10), 1944en_US
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