Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Electricity, No. 1,3 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 focus on electricity including electric machines, electrometers, lightning, and conductors. This file consists of seventeen pages of notes.
  • Lecture 8 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-21)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie in 1783 (?) discuss electricity and lightning. The file consists of six pages of notes.
  • Lightning and other Phenomena: Lectures on Electricity 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie focus on lightning and electricity. Dinwiddie mentions Benjamin Franklin, historical dates for important experiments, circuits, conductors and other phenomena including water spouts ...