Now showing items 1-6 of 6

  • Growth and Characterization of Mn2–xCoGe, Mn2–xRhGe and Mn2–xCoGe Thin Films 

    Kalliecharan, David (2018-12-21)
    Skyrmions are the smallest possible thermodynamically stable magnetic state, and are therefore promising objects for information storage. New tetragonal structures within the vast Heusler family of compounds are predicted ...
  • Lecture Notes 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-22)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie ca. 1793 lists a series of topics in physics including heat, sight, electricity, magnetism, and fluids. This file consists of 32 pages of notes.
  • Magnetism and Electricity 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-24)
    In this scientific journal written begun April 1, 1776, James Dinwiddie discusses magnetism and electricity. He includes several diagrams related to magnets and magnetic fields and queries at the end of the section. This ...
  • Naval Tactics 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These lecture notes written by James Dinwiddie focus on naval tactics including navigation, tacking, sailing, weather, and magnetism. This file consists of 53 pages of lecture notes.
  • Plane Mirrors; Archimedes; Gravity 

    Dinwiddie, James (2009-07-23)
    These notes written by James Dinwiddie examine a number of topics in physics including gravity, force, velocity, light, and mirrors. Dinwiddie also mentions the classical natural philosophers Sappho, Archimedes, and Hermes. ...
  • The ratio of the electric units of charge 

    Nova Scotian Institute of Science; Laurence, George C. (The Ross Print Limited, 1926)