Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Constituting the ideal body: A poststructural analysis of “obesity” discourses among gay men 

    Joy, P. and Numer, M. 2018. Constituting the ideal body: A poststructural analysis of “obesity” discourses among gay men. Journal of Critical Dietetics 4 (1), 47-58
    Ideal bodies are constituted through various social and cultural discourses. One such discourse that constitutes bodies is the “obesity” discourse. The term obesity is a contested and medicalizing term that constitutes a ...
  • Gay men’s sexual health promotion in virtual space: Exploring stakeholders’ attitudes and approaches to outreach on mobile apps in Nova Scotia 

    Thompson, R., Joy, P., Numer, M., & Holmes, D. (2019). Gay men’s sexual health promotion in virtual space: Exploring stakeholders’ attitudes and approaches to outreach on mobile apps in Nova Scotia. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 18(3–4), 17–29. DOI:
    HIV infections are still are a concern for many gay men in Canada despite prevention efforts. Social networking applications (SNAs) have predominantly been where gay men meet for sexual encounters. Grindr is the most common ...
  • A Mythical Battle: ‘Good’ Foods Versus ‘Bad’ Foods 

    Publisher's version: Joy, Phillip, Jackson, Roberta, and Numer, Matthew. (2018). A Mythical Battle: ‘Good’ Foods Versus ‘Bad’ Foods. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 4 (1), 1-3
  • Orientation to Compassion: Exploring How Space Constructs Meanings of Compassion for 2SLGBTQ Individuals 

    Thomas, Andrew, Megan Aston, and Phillip Joy. 2022. "Orientation to Compassion: Exploring How Space Constructs Meanings of Compassion for 2SLGBTQ Individuals." The International Journal of Diverse Identities 22 (2): 15-30. doi:10.18848/2327-7866/CGP/v22i02/15-30.
    Cis-heteronormative discourses within society create experiences of homophobia, transphobia, violence, and harm for many Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and other sexual and gender diverse (2SLGBTQ+) people. ...