Now showing items 41-45 of 45

  • Todas las hadas tienen su lago: Geografà­a fantà¡stica de la leyenda literaria en el Romanticismo espaà±ol 

    Rodriguez, Pilar Maria Vega (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2009)
    This paper analyzes the fantastic aspect of literary legends produced within Spanish Romanticism which specially focus on geographic motives. Literary legend is a new genre descended from the epic poem, which shares with ...
  • Un Dispositif sous surveillance: La Parodie censurée chez Labiche 

    Laporte, Dominique (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2008)
    Like the other dramatic authors of their time, Eugène Labiche and his collaborators were forced to submit their plays to the government censors in order to perform. For instance, the censors forbided them to perform “L'Ut ...
  • Vero bohémien d'istinti randagi 

    Leonardi, Ruggero (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2006)
    Wealth, in its economic sense, was a stranger to Emilio Salgari. The author himself gave us a kind of self-portrait in his novel La bohème italiana, as a character who lives his life according to the dictates of the ...
  • Vivir entre las nubes: Il racconto di anticipazione e la poesia utopica nel mondo libertario spagnolo del XIX secolo 

    Zane, Marcello (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2007)
    This article offers a look at the world of Spanish anarchism and its utopian tendencies, through the analysis of how short stories and poetry were used to announce a possible new form of society. The themes, the structures ...
  • Zola critique de Labiche 

    Disegni, Silvia (Dalhousie University. Electronic Text Centre, 2008)
    This article examines Zola's reading of Labiche in some of his newspaper reviews. Zola does not categorically condemn a kind of theatre that, at first sight, differs considerably from his own naturalistic ideal. Indeed, ...