Now showing items 36-55 of 185

  • Costs of locomotion and vertic dynamics of cephalopods and fish 

    Webber, DM, JP Aitken, and RK O'Dor. 2000. "Costs of locomotion and vertic dynamics of cephalopods and fish." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73(6): 651-662.
    The world's oceans are three-dimensional habitats that support high diversity and biomass. Because the densities of most of the constituents of life are greater than that of seawater, planktonic and pelagic organisms had ...
  • Demonstration of the deposition and modification of dietary fatty acids in pinniped blubber using radiolabelled precursors 

    Budge, SM, MH Cooper, and SJ Iverson. 2004. "Demonstration of the deposition and modification of dietary fatty acids in pinniped blubber using radiolabelled precursors." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(4): 682-687. Copyright © 2004 The University of Chicago Press.
    Radioisotopes are commonly used to study the in vivo metabolism and deposition of dietary fatty acids in adipose tissue. The application of this approach to pinnipeds is problematic because of their large mass and blubber ...
  • Detrital production in Nova Scotian kelp beds: patterns and processes 

    Krumhansl, Kira A., and Robert E. Scheibling. 2011. "Detrital production in Nova Scotian kelp beds: patterns and processes." Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 67-+. doi:10.3354/meps08905
    Connectivity via the transport of detrital material from areas of high to low productivity may be an important determinant of secondary productivity and biodiversity in receiving communities. On the Atlantic coast of ...
  • Development of the blood and muscle oxygen stores in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus): Implications for juvenile diving capacity and the necessity of a terrestrial postweaning fast 

    Noren, SR, SJ Iverson, and DJ Boness. 2005. "Development of the blood and muscle oxygen stores in gray seals (Halichoerus grypus): Implications for juvenile diving capacity and the necessity of a terrestrial postweaning fast." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78(4): 482-490. Copyright © 2005 The University of Chicago Press.
    To successfully transition from nursing to foraging, phocid seal pups must develop adequate diving physiology within the limited time between birth and their first independent foraging trip to sea. We studied the postpartum ...
  • Diazotrophic bacteria respond to Saharan dust additions 

    Langlois, Rebecca J., Matthew M. Mills, Celine Ridame, Peter Croot, et al. 2012. "Diazotrophic bacteria respond to Saharan dust additions." Marine Ecology Progress Series 470: 1-14. doi:10.3354/meps10109
    Three bioassay experiments were performed to study the effects of nutrient and Saharan dust additions on natural diazotrophic communities in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Samples for nucleic acid analysis were collected ...
  • Disease outbreaks associated with recent hurricanes cause mass mortality of sea urchins in Nova Scotia 

    Scheibling, R. E., C. Feehan, and J. -S Lauzon-Guay. 2010. "Disease outbreaks associated with recent hurricanes cause mass mortality of sea urchins in Nova Scotia." Marine Ecology Progress Series 408: 109-116. doi:10.3354/meps08579
    Field observations and laboratory experiments support the hypothesis that disease-induced mass mortality of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis can be associated with hurricane events that introduce a ...
  • The dystroglycan complex is necessary for stabilization of acetylcholine receptor clusters at neuromuscular junctions and formation of the synaptic basement membrane 

    Jacobson, C., PD Cote, SG Rossi, RL Rotundo, et al. 2001. "The dystroglycan complex is necessary for stabilization of acetylcholine receptor clusters at neuromuscular junctions and formation of the synaptic basement membrane." Journal of Cell Biology 152(3): 435-450.
    The dystrophin-associated protein (DAP) complex spans the sarcolemmal membrane linking the cytoskeleton to the basement membrane surrounding each myofiber. Defects in the DAP complex have been linked previously to a ...
  • The Ecology of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Canadian Arctic Lakes 

    Hardie, David C., and Jeffrey A. Hutchings. 2011. "The Ecology of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in Canadian Arctic Lakes." Arctic 64(2): 137-150.
    The range of limnological conditions that support Atlantic cod populations in meromictic Arctic lakes is known to be relatively restricted. The degree to which differences in these features, particularly in the availability ...
  • Effect of a low-fat diet on body composition and blubber fatty acids of captive juvenile harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) 

    Kirsch, PE, SJ Iverson, and WD Bowen. 2000. "Effect of a low-fat diet on body composition and blubber fatty acids of captive juvenile harp seals (Phoca groenlandica)." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73(1): 45-59. Copyright © 2000 The University of Chicago Press.
    We investigated the effects of a change from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet of differing fatty acid (FA) composition on the body composition and blubber FA of five captive juvenile harp seals. Seals that had been ...
  • Effect of Boundary Layers on Cutaneous Gas Exchange 

    Pinder, A. W., and M. E. Feder. 1990. "Effect of Boundary Layers on Cutaneous Gas Exchange." Journal of Experimental Biology 154: 67-80.
    Boundary layers may offer significant resistance to cutaneous oxygen uptake by amphibians in water. This hypothesis was tested by measuring resistance to oxygen uptake as a function of water velocity in bullfrogs submerged ...
  • Effect of Coronary Ablation and Adrenergic-Stimulation on In-Vivo Cardiac-Performance in Trout (Oncorhynchus-Mykiss) 

    GAMPERL, AK, AW PINDER, and RG BOUTILIER. 1994. "Effect of Coronary Ablation and Adrenergic-Stimulation on In-Vivo Cardiac-Performance in Trout (Oncorhynchus-Mykiss)." Journal of Experimental Biology 186: 127-143.
    In fish, catecholamine-induced changes in cardiac performance in vivo are the result of complex interactions between the direct adrenergic effects on the heart and peripheral circulation and the reflex responses to increased ...
  • Effects of eutrophication, grazing, and algal blooms on rocky shores 

    Worm, Boris, and Heike K. Lotze. 2006. "Effects of eutrophication, grazing, and algal blooms on rocky shores." Limnology and Oceanography 51(1): 569-579.
    Eutrophication can profoundly change rocky shore communities. These changes often cause the replacement of perennial, canopy-forming algae such as Fucus spp. with annual, bloom-forming algae such as Enteromorpha spp. ...
  • The energetics of male reproduction in an acquatically mating pinniped, the harbour seal 

    Coltman, DW, WD Bowen, SJ Iverson, and DJ Boness. 1998. "The energetics of male reproduction in an acquatically mating pinniped, the harbour seal." Physiological zoology 71(4): 387-399. Copyright © 2005 The University of Chicago Press.
    The energy expenditure of breeding male harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, was investigated by measuring changes in body mass, body composition, and water flux using isotope dilution. Seals lost ...
  • Entombed Plant-Communities Released by a Retreating Glacier at Central Ellesmere Island, Canada 

    BERGSMA, BM, J. SVOBODA, and B. FREEDMAN. 1984. "Entombed Plant-Communities Released by a Retreating Glacier at Central Ellesmere Island, Canada." Arctic 37(1): 49-52.
    No abstract available.
  • Estimating fertilization success in marine benthic invertebrates: A case study with the tropical sea star Oreaster reticulatus 

    Metaxas, Anna, Robert E. Scheibling, and Craig M. Young. 2002. "Estimating fertilization success in marine benthic invertebrates: A case study with the tropical sea star Oreaster reticulatus." Marine Ecology Progress Series 226: 87-101. doi:10.3354/meps226087
    Several factors can influence fertilization success, and for marine broadcast spawners, the main constraint is rapid dilution of gametes. Because the measurement of fertilization success in the field is logistically ...
  • Estimation of Temporal Variability in Populations 

    STEWARTOATEN, A., WW MURDOCH, and SJ WALDE. 1995. "Estimation of Temporal Variability in Populations." American Naturalist 146(4): 519-535.
    A common measure of the temporal variability of a population is the standard deviation of the logarithms of successive estimated population sizes, In(D-t). This measure overestimates true temporal variability (the standard ...
  • Estimation of total body water in pinnipeds using hydrogen-isotope dilution 

    Bowen, WD, and SJ Iverson. 1998. "Estimation of total body water in pinnipeds using hydrogen-isotope dilution." Physiological zoology 71(3): 329-332. Copyright © 1998 The University of Chicago Press.
    No abstract available.
  • Evolutionary and ecological feedbacks of the survival cost of reproduction 

    Kuparinen, Anna, David C. Hardie, and Jeffrey A. Hutchings. 2012. "Evolutionary and ecological feedbacks of the survival cost of reproduction." Evolutionary Applications 5(3): 245-255.
    Arguably the most fundamental of trade-offs in life-history evolution is the increase in natural mortality resulting from sexual maturity and reproduction. Despite its central importance, this increase in mortality, a ...
  • Evolutionary Strategy of Mimicry 

    LANE, PA. 1977. "Evolutionary Strategy of Mimicry." American Biology Teacher 39(4): 214-&.
    No abstract available.